I made it safely to the hotel in San Jose and we’re going to be meeting everyone in the group for dinner at 6 o’clock. Air travel was crazy today but we managed to just make all of our flights (and have time to eat too!) We finally found the API lady that was waiting for us after about a million people asked us for a taxi and said “thank you beautiful ladies for coming”. They all seem very friendly so far but there isn’t a whole lot of English speaking happening. Right now its more of a shock than anything else, I understand some of it but there hasn’t been a whole lot of responding going on haha. We were told that we’re going to the mountains tonight for dinner? Even though we’re in the middle of San Jose… so that will be interesting. By the way mom, it is a two hour time difference :P and also I have a very small calling card but it wouldn’t let me leave a message so I’ll probably call again sometime soon if I get a chance.
Just checking in, Hasta Pronto!! :) <3
Muy bien! Hasta Pronto.